Source code for google_pandas_load.load_config

import pandas
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import Literal, List, Dict, Any, Optional
from import bigquery
from google_pandas_load import constants, utils

[docs]class LoadConfig: """Configuration for a load job. This class has the same parameters as :meth:`google_pandas_load.loader.Loader.load`. It is used to launch simultaneously load jobs as follows: - A list of LoadConfig is built. - The list is passed to :meth:`google_pandas_load.loader.Loader.multi_load`. """ def __init__( self, source: Literal[ 'query', 'dataset', 'bucket', 'local', 'dataframe'], destination: Literal['dataset', 'bucket', 'local', 'dataframe'], data_name: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, dataframe: Optional[pandas.DataFrame] = None, write_disposition: Optional[str] = bigquery.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE, dtype: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, parse_dates: Optional[List[str]] = None, date_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, timestamp_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, bq_schema: Optional[List[bigquery.SchemaField]] = None): self.source = source self.destination = destination self.data_name = data_name self._query = query self._dataframe = dataframe self._write_disposition = write_disposition self._dtype = dtype self._parse_dates = parse_dates self._timestamp_cols = timestamp_cols self._date_cols = date_cols self._bq_schema = bq_schema if self.data_name is not None: self._check_data_name_not_empty_string() self._check_data_name_not_contain_slash() self._check_source_value() self._check_destination_value() self._check_source_different_from_destination() self._check_if_data_name_missing() self._check_if_query_missing() self._check_if_dataframe_missing() if self._bq_schema is None and self._dataframe is not None: self._infer_bq_schema_from_dataframe() def _check_data_name_not_empty_string(self): assert self.data_name is not None if self.data_name == '': msg = 'data_name must not be the empty string' raise ValueError(msg) def _check_data_name_not_contain_slash(self): assert self.data_name is not None utils.check_data_name_not_contain_slash(self.data_name) def _check_source_value(self): if self.source not in constants.SOURCE_LOCATIONS: msg = ("source must be one of 'query' or 'dataset' " "or 'bucket' or 'local' or 'dataframe") raise ValueError(msg) def _check_destination_value(self): if self.destination not in constants.DESTINATION_LOCATIONS: msg = ("destination must be one of 'dataset' " "or 'bucket' or 'local' or 'dataframe'") raise ValueError(msg) def _check_source_different_from_destination(self): if self.source == self.destination: raise ValueError('source must be different from destination') def _check_if_data_name_missing(self): c1 = self.data_name is None c2 = self.source in constants.MIDDLE_LOCATIONS c3 = self.destination in constants.MIDDLE_LOCATIONS if c1 and (c2 or c3): msg = ("data_name must be provided if source or destination is " "one of 'dataset' or 'bucket' or 'local'") raise ValueError(msg) def _check_if_query_missing(self): if self.source == 'query' and self._query is None: raise ValueError("query must be provided if source = 'query'") def _check_if_dataframe_missing(self): if self.source == 'dataframe' and self._dataframe is None: raise ValueError( "dataframe must be provided if source = 'dataframe'")
[docs] @staticmethod def bq_schema_inferred_from_dataframe( dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, date_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, timestamp_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None) \ -> List[bigquery.SchemaField]: """Return a BigQuery schema that is inferred from a pandas dataframe. Let infer_dtype(column) = `pandas.api.types.infer_dtype <>`__ (column). In BigQuery, a column is given its type according to the following rule: - if its name is listed in the date_cols parameter, its type in BigQuery should be DATE. - elif its name is listed in the timestamp_cols parameter, its type in BigQuery should be TIMESTAMP. - elif infer_dtype(column) = 'boolean', its type in BigQuery is BOOLEAN. - elif infer_dtype(column) = 'integer', its type in BigQuery is INTEGER. - elif infer_dtype(column) = 'floating', its type in BigQuery is FLOAT. - else its type in BigQuery is STRING. Args: dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): The dataframe. date_cols (list of str, optional): The names of the columns receiving the BigQuery type DATE. timestamp_cols (list of str, optional): The names of the columns receiving the BigQuery type TIMESTAMP. Returns: list of A BigQuery schema. """ if len(dataframe.columns) == 0: msg = ('A non empty bq_schema cannot be inferred ' 'from a dataframe with no columns') raise ValueError(msg) if timestamp_cols is None: timestamp_cols = [] if date_cols is None: date_cols = [] bq_schema = [] for col in dataframe.columns: dtype_description = pandas.api.types.infer_dtype(dataframe[col]) if col in date_cols: bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='DATE')) elif col in timestamp_cols: bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='TIMESTAMP')) elif dtype_description == 'boolean': bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='BOOLEAN')) elif dtype_description == 'integer': bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='INTEGER')) elif dtype_description in ('floating', 'mixed-integer-float'): bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='FLOAT')) else: bq_schema.append(bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type='STRING')) return bq_schema
def _infer_bq_schema_from_dataframe(self): self._bq_schema = self.bq_schema_inferred_from_dataframe( dataframe=self._dataframe, timestamp_cols=self._timestamp_cols, date_cols=self._date_cols) @property def _names_atomic_functions_to_call(self): index_source = constants.LOCATIONS.index(self.source) index_destination = constants.LOCATIONS.index(self.destination) rindex_source = constants.REVERSED_LOCATIONS.index(self.source) rindex_destination = constants.REVERSED_LOCATIONS.index( self.destination) if index_source < index_destination: return utils.build_atomic_function_names( constants.LOCATIONS[index_source: index_destination + 1]) else: return utils.build_atomic_function_names( constants.REVERSED_LOCATIONS [rindex_source: rindex_destination + 1]) def _query_to_dataset_config(self): return Namespace( query=self._query, write_disposition=self._write_disposition) def _local_to_dataframe_config(self): return Namespace( dtype=self._dtype, parse_dates=self._parse_dates) def _dataframe_to_local_config(self): return Namespace(dataframe=self._dataframe) def _bucket_to_dataset_config(self): return Namespace( schema=self._bq_schema, write_disposition=self._write_disposition) @property def sliced(self): res = dict() for i, n in enumerate(self._names_atomic_functions_to_call): atomic_config_name = f'_{n}_config' if atomic_config_name in dir(self): res[n] = getattr(self, atomic_config_name)() else: res[n] = Namespace() res[n].data_name = self.data_name source, destination = n.split('_to_') res[n].source = source res[n].destination = destination if res[n].source in constants.MIDDLE_LOCATIONS: res[n].clear_source = (i != 0) return res